How to be safe?

According to US FDA, UVC radiation is commonly used inside air ducts to disinfect the air. This is the safest way to employ UVC radiation because direct UVC exposure to human skin or eyes may cause injuries, and installation of UVC within an air duct is less likely to cause exposure to skin and eyes.
Air Sterilizing inside the air conditioners, using UVGI does not bear this risk. Hence it is completely safe for humans.

Can UVC Kill Cov-2 Virus?

Yes!!! US FDA says that UVC radiation has been shown to destroy the outer protein coating of the SARS-Coronavirus. UVC radiation may also be effective in inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 virus like all other harmful micro-organisms. Although, the dose and duration of direct exposure are still in the study, the engineers are already using this technology in various systems efficiently. The following page will show how to apply this UVC radiation to kill germs in your workplace and large building.

How to Kill CoVid-19 Virus in your Workplace?

During the early time of CoVid-19 outbreak air-conditioner was principally considered to be responsible for Community Transmission in workplace and public concourses. Now, air- conditioners are rather going to kill the virus and hence going to ease your neo normal for your workplace and stop the spread. For better measure, air-conditioning system should be fitted with TiO2, Carbon and finally HEPA filters prior to UVC irradiation in order to achieve complete germ free air delivery by the diffusers. However, each filter incurs additional cost. Therefore, for long term use, UVGI inside your HVAC system is deemed to be the most cost effective way to keep your office Covid-19 free and compliant with all regulations.

Omron's UVC Robot

Omron's UVC Robot automating UV Disinfection process Safely and Wisely. It disinfects premises by killing 99.9% of surface and air-borne bacteria and viruses. UVC light will automatically switch off, when the sensor detects a person making it completely safe.

Financial Score

Proper Dose of UV light inside the air distributor, FCU and AHU is the key to complete and successful irradiation. The amount of UV energy required to inactivate any one of the many microbiological agents is expressed as dosage.
Dosage = Intensity (x) Time
Example: 50 micro watt per square centimeter per second (intensity)
x 60 sec. (time)
x 60 min. (time)
x 24 hours (time)
= 4,320,000 micro watt-seconds per square centimeter/day. The cost of electricity for this UVC Irradiation is below BDT 10 per day per T8 lamp. Installation cost per FCU or AHU is around BDT 10,000 which makes it affordable for all corporate entities.

Where to Apply

Air Sterilizer is usually applied to public areas which are airconditioned.

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